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Variety Fire Truck


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OV12 is a Brisbane Queensland entrant in Variety Clubs Charity Bash events that helps raise funds for sick children


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OV12's 2007 bash Image Gallery

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Day 10 (Last bash day), Bowen to Airlie Beach (The Finish line). This day did turn out to be a big day. The first task we had to do today was get another team back for just about everyone on the bash. This team called The Rat Pack, goes around and wets everyone else with their water cannon and takes off so they can't get retaliated against. Our team was given $150.00 donation to Variety to get the Rat Pack. At breakfast they just parked in the wrong place and in front of everyone. They got a bit, no a lot wet. We then made our way, with another visitor Kerry from Car NORMA, to Proserpine State School where a presentation of a donation of a large storage shed from Variety to the school. Even for  Saturday the local school kids showed up to give Variety Bashers a warm welcome. While we were there Trevor and Blazer gave a stop, drop and roll talk to the children which was filmed by the crew from Bris 31. The kids had a great time with Blazer and the clown. We had a bit of trouble turning off the Highway as a locker flew open and lost a bit of gear on the main highway. All was good, we picked up the gear before the traffic was held up to much. I shouldn't mention the drivers name as I don't want to embarrass Trevor (opps). After getting going again we went to a nice place for lunch and a dip. The place was called Cape Gloucester Eco-Resort. After an extended lunch break we had 60km to go until the finish line. They stopped all the bashers just outside town and we went in convey past the finish line where the local people, friends and family cheered everyone past the finish line. What a great sight that turned out to be. Comment was made by one of the first timers or Virgin basher as they are known, "they were not expecting all that. Just unbelievable". After the finish we had a request we couldn't say no to, from Donna out of Car, Beach Belles, to show her Nephew, Adam which has autism, our fire truck because he is mad on them. Adam sprayed some water, looked over the truck and we even took Adam and his sister for a drive. Donna told me Adam was so happy and excited that it has made his day. That's what we are all about, The Kids. On a bit of a sad subject, Geoff from our crew had a serious issue with his neck. He was looked after by the Variety Ambo and Variety Doc until he was taken to Proserpine Hospital by the QAS. After X-rays he returned and he has a stretched nerve root ??? and will have to fly home instead of driving back with us. All accounts he will be fine which is good news. The last function for the bash was a concert by the singer, Leo Sayer, which I must admit was pretty cool. It was also announced that to date, Variety has raised 1.3 million dollars net and still counting. Great effort. The 2007 Bash Firetruck crew, OV12 would like to thank everybody that helped us do this bash and raise the much needed funds for Variety. Hopefully we will have you support for next year. The tracking device for the truck has been stopped so you won't be able to see where we are until next years bash, which is from Toowoomba to Bathurst, yes the V8 super cars. I will still add some more photos and keep up to date with some variety news as I receive it. Thank you to all


No one like's a wet RAT!

Proserpine State School Kids

They love Blazer

I'm not sure how Blazer feels about now though :-)

Trevor, Trevor, Trevor

The End is Nigh!

What a crowd


Poor Geoff

Great assistance by the Bash Paramedic & QAS ensure Geoff is looked after

Doctor talks to Geoff about his 'root' problems

Clowning time


Dave's new dental plan save him hundreds a year in health insurance!

Blazer and Briz 31

Family time

Adam has some fun




Day 9, Ravenswood to Bowen. We left the mining town of Ravenswood and headed into Sugar cane country towards a town of Clare where we chatted to the children about the good fire, bad fire and the dangers of playing with fire. The kids responded well to all the questions but loved Blazer and the Variety clowns. Blazer was over the moon when he met Glen Lazarus walking down the street. Not every car made it in under it's own power, but made it in. We then travelled to a sugar cane town of Giru where we visited the Giru State school which opened in 1924 with 28 children and by the end of the same month there were 61 children enrolled. The kids gave us a very warm welcome. We had a fun stop on the way where you had to tee off from on top of bash car and putt in with a piece of sugar cane. We had lunch and then it was off to do official duties for Variety as we were the check in point at Bowen. We have to wait until all bash cars come past before we can proceed into Bowen. They all came in by about 8.30 pm. After that it was movie night, theme night at the Bowen Yacht club. Can you spot Wally, not a WALLY? The flag that you see we paid $100.00 cash donation to put it in that position. The last day tomorrow and it is building up to be big.    


Cane country

Cane Train

Kids love Blazer!

And clowns

Oh there's a really really famous guy! Cant think of his name right now but I think that's Glen Lazarus with him.

You heard of bugs on your windscreen, but on your tow ball is a new thing!

Another school more great kids

1 lump or two?

F O U R !!!!


You can just see the fun!

A lot of hard work needs a rest

I have no idea>??

Another town another pub visited

A big hole

Another big hole

A picture of I don't know what, I just get these and post them you know!

OH you cant trick us! There's Wally oh and Dave from QFRS Workshops behind him!

XXXX Gold Flag Signed

The festivities are fun!

Its Wally AGAIN!

More Wally


Day 8, Glenden to Ravenswood. I would like to first thank Glenden Fire station for letting us stay at the Fire Station instead of staying out in the cold of the local
football paddock (I know I know we are wimps). Today we where driven onto a mine site and had a look at a working Drag line. Only a short day. We have no schools

to is it. Before entering the mine, Geoff was interview by Briz 31 about the Bash so far. The Newlands coal mine was very interesting and the machinery is so huge.

Again we had visitors in he truck and again not by choice. Rio and partner Ray came with us as their vehicle blew the engine up yesterday. Rio had been with us

before. After lunch and many washed out and bumpy roads later, we arrived at the Burdekin Dam wall. It was so nice to see so much water in a dam.


The A Team

More Bahsers

Is it a train or a truck?

Needs another wash

The drive in wash!

A very nice view!

Welcome to our mine!

Everything here is big!

Look at that big thing, No the truck!

Another new friend!

Day 7, Yeppoon to Glenden. After our rest day which we all needed, Variety had a special breakfast for us on the side of the road.

A McDonalds store was set up about 12km into the Yeppoon wet lands. It was a shock to all to see the McDonald signs and then

actually have real McDonalds food was truly amazing. We even caught up and had breakfast with the crew from PCYC car. The roads

we traveled on was still wet from the previous days rain. The creeks even had flowing water. Today was going to be our longest day so far.

We had three schools to visit and 560km of rough roads. The schools we stopped at was Caves State School, Marlborough State School and Clark
Creek State School. A big turn out at Caves State School where the local media was present and the kids had a great time with all the action which

was going on. A very warm welcome from Marlborough State School and the children there was so interested in what we had to say about fire safety.

The boys carried out a quick Fire Ed at Clark Creek State School and every student there new all the correct answers on Fire safety. Well done kids.

Today we had some more visitors in the truck with us one was a volunteer, Sherry and the others we transported because the car they were travelling

in, tore out the rear floor which holds the shockies in place. This car had the Briz 31 film crew in. We had stopped for a picnic lunch beside a creek and

when the Bris 31 guys pulled up, the banging from the rear of their car was so loud, we thought we had better take a look. We got the car back on the road

again with no shockies and no rear floor. (The car was still safe to get back to the next town).
Again by the pictures you can see we still got a bit bored.


The road ahead



Time to educate

More education

Kids are so nice

The strong arm

 of the law!

Fixers are bashers

Ah how nice

More repairs.

Shockies tore out the rear floor, darn those rabbits!




Ok then lets leave this one alone, its ok to be in touch with what ever it is he is getting in touch with!

Some bashers need a hand every now and again

He is full of what?

Oh hot air





Day 6 - Rest day at Yeppoon. Had a visit to the Rockhampton QFRS Workshops to check out the truck for the second half of the journey and a big thanks to the

staff for letting us use their workshop. After that it was quick look around Yeppoon and rest beside the pool. Need to get our strength for the next part. Some of the

 bashers couldn't rest as they had some big jobs to do like change an engine.



Dave in a pit!

And the knee bones connected to the ........

Does that really go there?


Dirty wheel

scrub a dub dub

Keeping the gear is very important dirt and mud can cause untold damage.

Thanks to Rockhampton QFRS workshops

On the road again...

NO its art!

Can we go for a swim

Please can we

Bashers doing to Ford what must be done, Repairs!


Day 5 - Capella to Yeppoon. This day turned out to be a big day, It started with the rain lifting but Variety bosses shortened the bash route so we miss some

of the dangerous sections of the dirt tracks. Still had some dirt today and instead of gully crossings it was creek crossing due to all the rain. We visited 5 schools

today, Anakie, Comet, Blackwater, Bluff and Dingo State Schools. We had a great lunch at Blackwater School (the deserts mmm). A comment from a teacher

from Anakie School said that the stuff that they got from all the bash people is more than what some of these kids get for Christmas. It so wonderful to see the

kids so happy with all this stuff. Another comment from a teacher from Comet School said this is the first time that anything like this has happened here as a

few events like this has past but we are the only ones that have stopped to say hello to the children. Today we had some visitors for a ride along, there name

were Rio and Josh from Car 269. Rio came with us for the morning run and Josh in the afternoon. They are a brother and sister team. We had time to stop at

the Gems fields at Rubyvale and met up with Glen Lazarus. The big day was too big for some (or the night before) but as they have learned don't go to sleep

in the truck with us there as we get bored pretty quick. The only drama we had was when we finished for the night and tried to park the truck at the Resort where

we got bogged pretty bad in sand. After 500km through mud and creek crossings we got stuck in the car park. One of our sponsors products saved the day and

 night. Thanks Maxtrax. For the nights entertainment Variety has organized a Rodeo for us to watch as we have tea. Unbelievable. We actually caught up in

person with one of our sponsors Toobrack sheep station owners Frank and Joyce Rogers who are parents of one of our tem members. They spent the night with us. Tomorrow is a day off for the bashers so tonight may be big.


Lets go

Nearest mechanic that way!

More education, spreading the word.

It was always going to be an endurance thing!


Kids cant get enough

Never sleep next to bored people

Told you!

More kids

Oh heres some more



Look out you'll get a bug on your window!

Hi to you to!

Stairway to heaven perhaps?


Captain crash to the rescue!

The best reason to carry MAXTRAX



The bull ring



Day 4, Springsure to Capella. The rain has come in and the dirt roads are very slippery and a sour note for today is we had some cars rolled over and a lot of them bogged in the afternoon session. Some miner injuries but all is ok. They called off the afternoon session as it got too dangerous and sent everyone via bitumen. But before that drama we stopped at Islay Plains for lunch when a bash person fly in pies for everyone and yes another fun stop where I got done by the Variety cops for smiling without drugs.A donation of $20 was paid. Also the truck got wet and very dirty.


Another day another town

Lots of stuff

More stuff

Im driving my truck

Do we have floaties on this thing?

Someones in trouble , and loving it!

More bashers


Oh know we need a mechanic


Hey look dirt!

All we need is some rope and we have a new engine!






Day 3, Kroombit Park to Springsure. We know now the truck wont let us down we where first to leave and headed through Biloila where a huge drag line bucket went through the town and headed to a place called Bauhinia State School where our Variety duty was to entertain the kids until the rest of the fleet arrived. We had help

from the Variety clowns. We carried out Fire Ed and Blazer made an appearance. Even though it was Saturday there was a lot of kids that showed up.

The school made lunch for us, beautiful steak burgers. Another fun stop on the way this one was called head jobs and hand jobs. Coloured our hair and painted our nails. That night it was cross dressing night. Try to spot the cross dressers. Had a great night.


Lots of well nothing!

Big Loads in the out back

Is there some thing they aren't telling us about the Koalas

Community education is a mission of OV12 and its crew


Stop drop and roll! , Blazer knows all the right moves!

Other bashers


More fun and education with Blazer

Kids love to learn but learn more when having fun doing it.

Davina, David's sister meet the team, Geoff on the other hand has no excuse! (sorry Geoff at least she oh he covered up)

Winding down

Oh look more nothing

Another day

When in doubt carry more, in a can!

Kids having more fun.


Day 2 Dalby to Kroombit Park. We travelled to a town called Cracow, 154 km east of Biloela, at the pub for lunch. On the way we came across the rabbits

we where looking for, actually it is a check point and fun stop there have to break the long rough trip. We had a tree across the road which we had to move

before we could keep going all the other cars could go around but we couldn't. We had another fuel problem and when we arrived at Kroombit park we pulled

the fuel tank out and found rubber in the tank. How fun. After tea we demonstrated to the bashers what capabilities we have on the truck. Had an old car and

cut it up which everyone was wrapped about.


Emergency vehicles are an important part of any bash






More trees

Social interaction with locals is important

More interaction

OV12 shows other bashes its capabilities.



Day 1

All aboard, next stop fun!

Ok lets go already

Are we there yet!

Are we there yet!

I wish we where there! Keep laughing this is the new test for a pay rise!

Beauty and the beast

Its a long and winding rooooad

All I am saying is that the next bus is about to leave we should be ready

Rabbit, I seen a rabbit it over here I am sure of it!

OV12 is a fully operational fire appliance that can and often does lend a hand when needed.


The team just before departure.

Image thanks to

Kylie McIntosh QFRS
click on image for a larger view


The Variety Club Queensland group before departure.

Image thanks to

Kylie McIntosh QFRS
click on image for a larger view




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This website is built and maintained by Matt Hayes FIRECALL